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A woman who gets excited and knows how to thrit. Because her life itself is an emotion. She lived fully without saving herself, with only one goal : to realize the dreams of a little girl who in fashion has always seen her world and her essence more true. A desire that has become a reality.
It is the story of Elisabeth Franchi, soul of the namesake brand, who managed to conquer the female universe thanks to her style and creativity : a successful fruit of a great passion, of a thorough study of the product, of an absolute dedication to work and a good dose of concreteness. A path that originates in Bologna, a city where Elizabeth was born in 1968, the fourth of five children of a bolognese family of humble extraction, led by a strong mother who among a thousand sacrifices grows alone the children : years after Elizabeth recalls how precisely the absence of a father and the difficulties, the passion and determination of a rivalry led her to follow her dream with caparage, without surrendering herself in the face of the difficulties of life. A companion of gaming and evasion, her only doll, which today is reborn with the Betty Doll : the same one that gave her the dream of being able to dress all the women of the world.
Study with great sacrifice at the Aldrovandi Rubbiani Institute in Bologna and its entry into the world of fashion originates right there, while retaining with saltuary works, such as the saleswoman, profession that the teaches to pay attention to the taste of the consumers and to listen their needs. A fundamental teaching that he will not forget and will be the basis of his future professional success.

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